Companies & Contacts Data

Access accurate and rich buyer data.

With the largest and most accurate B2B database, build prospect list, find your perfect leads. Enrich up-to-date data to your CRM. Focus on Ideal Client Profiles.

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million contacts


Directory of Trade Shows, Fairs, Exhibitions

Prospect the entire buying committee, All titles

Head of Import Procurement
Purchasing Director
Head of Purchasing Department
Head of Buying
Deputy Manager Purchase
Category Manager

Prioritize high-value leads & companies intelligently

a person using a laptop

Score and prioritize your most valuable leads with the Scoring Engine.

You can automatically rank contacts and accounts based on the titles and markets that are most important to you.

Be where your prospects are

Create target list. Engage specific buying group members with person-based ads and track individual intent

Learn about Pre-show Strategy

Focus on Ideal Client Profiles.

Filter accounts by Country, Revenue, Industry, and Category parameters

Preloaded lists of Retailers, Wholesalers, and Importers by Industries

Analyze attendees from the largest Trade Shows: ANUGA, GulFood, SIAL, and more ...

We provide online support before and during your event in all regions of the world to ensure you have coverage.

“Great tool, better team.”

We have a small team focusing on a niche space. We've worked with Space.UA team to build out some specific searches and intel that has increased our outbound motion as our team is making our GTM strategy official this year. There is lots to enjoy about their platform and I've been a user of theirs for many years!

Chad I.


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